Sep. 08, 2023

ADAMS TOWNSHIP – Rep. Stephenie Scialabba (R-Butler) announced that Adams Township received more than $2.5 million in funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to complete a project along a 5-mile stretch of State Route 3007, which is Three Degree Road and Valencia Road in Adams Township and Valencia Borough for their portion of Three Degree Road. 

“This is the largest ‘turnback’ project that PennDOT has done to date,” said Scialabba. “This is a popular stretch of road that poses risks to the public if the road is not taken care of properly. This was a long process, and I am grateful it turned into a positive result. I’d like to thank Adams Township officials for their due diligence on this important issue, as well as PennDOT for supplying the funding.”

Phase three, which was initially in jeopardy due to a lack of funding, focuses on full reclamation and new pavement on Hammond Road going north to Union Church Road. Phase one consisted of work in Valencia Borough heading toward Route 228, while the focal point of phase two was near Mars Middle School toward Hammond Road.

The goal is to complete phase three by the end of 2024.  

Representative Stephenie Scialabba
12th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Luke Burdsall
717.260.6344 /
