Oct. 17, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Stephenie Scialabba (R-Butler) and Rep. Rob Mercuri (R-Allegheny) today announced the Brush Creek Water Pollution Control Facility in Cranberry Township will be receiving a capital contribution from the Marshall Township Municipal Sanitary Authority (MTMSA) to address a solids handling upgrade project.

The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded MTMSA a loan worth more than $6.3 million toward drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and significant upgrade projects. Through an intermunicipal agreement, Cranberry Township residents will see a boost in service.

“Clean and affordable water is non-negotiable,” said Scialabba. “Thanks to the proactive collaboration between Marshall and Cranberry townships, we can keep delivering results for our area. This is government working right.”

“Ensuring our communities have access to municipal services for our day-to-day lives is essential,” Mercuri said. “These funds will be utilized to deliver improved water quality at a more cost-effective rate for customers in an environmentally efficient manner. I am proud to have advocated for them.”

Funding for these projects originates from state and federal funds and is approved by the PENNVEST board. PENNVEST aims to serve communities through capital funding for drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, non-point source pollution prevention and other related projects which benefit the health and safety of our citizens and environment.

Representative Stephenie Scialabba
12th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Nate Temple